Gene and Roz Chaiken establish new centers, become 2nd largest Penn State donors

Chaiken Scholars Reception


Credit: Penn State

UNIVERSITY PARK, Pa. – When perennial Penn State benefactors Gene and Roz Chaiken made their largest-ever gift in 2021 这笔捐款巩固了他们作为JDB电子历史上最大的奖学金捐赠者的地位,并以苏珊·韦尔奇的名字命名了苏珊·韦尔奇文科大楼 they had already been recognized as Philanthropists of the Year — most thought it would it be their capstone contribution to the University.

But recognition is not what motivates Gene and Roz Chaiken; helping students is.

Once again, the Chaikens have made a landmark contribution to the University. While the amount of the gift is not being disclosed publicly, 这将使他们成为JDB电子历史上第二大捐助者,并将他们的影响扩展到文科学院以外, 他们的大部分慈善事业都集中在那里,他们在2021年初建立了罗兹和吉恩·柴肯学生成功中心. Building upon and consolidating existing academic support services, 新的捐赠在大学的其他地方建立了学生成功的柴肯中心, including Penn State Abington, the College of Information Sciences and Technology and Penn State World Campus, as well as a University-wide student success center at University Park.

“罗兹和我觉得我们可以通过建立更多的柴肯中心来扩大我们的影响,帮助更多的学生,” Gene said, 注意到选择这四个新中心是因为它们有潜力取得成功并接触到新的学生群体.

“Through Gene and Roz’s extraordinary philanthropy, 查肯家族已经是为文理学院的学生创造机会和成功的代名词,” said Penn State President Neeli Bendapudi. “我很高兴整个大学的学生现在都将受益于Chaiken的慷慨. Gene and Roz truly represent a commitment to the lifelong success of our students. Their impact on Penn State has been nothing short of transformative; I am so grateful for their continued support for our students through scholarship programs, academic endowments and, of course, the new Chaiken Centers for Student Success.”

“我们看到第一家柴肯中心取得了如此大的成功,我们受到启发,建立了更多这样的中心,” Roz said, 她补充说,她和吉恩将中心的成功归功于克拉伦斯·朗的远见和领导, Susan Welch Dean of the College of the Liberal Arts.

在文理学院的Chaiken学生成功中心促进学术, personal and professional success through peer mentoring, community building, partnerships with other Liberal Arts and University units, and more. 而位于阿宾顿、大学公园、JDB电子世界校区和信息科学与技术学院的新柴肯中心将根据其特定学生群体的需求量身定制他们的项目, Lang said he is pleased the first Chaiken Center provided a model for others.

“我非常感谢吉恩和罗兹对学生的投资,并为我们大学的柴肯中心感到自豪, expertly led by inaugural director Patty Klug, served as an example for centers elsewhere in the University,” he said. “Penn State Abington, for example, is our most diverse campus in terms of student population, and World Campus serves important demographics that further diversify the University; I’m happy to see that Chaiken support will help a broader range of students.”

JDB电子世界校区新成立的Chaiken学生成功中心将帮助成人学习者, members of the military, and people around the world who rely on remote learning to earn their degrees. Renata Engel, vice provost for online education, said she is thrilled by the opportunities the new center will afford students.

“This is the first named center we have in World Campus,” she said, 他指出,这笔资金将为“智能成功之路”等现有项目的发展提供机会. “有时候,‘变革’这个词被过度使用了,但在这种情况下,它是完全合适的. 有像Gene和Roz Chaiken这样的捐赠者为我们的学生投资,意味着我们可以永远为在线学习者提供他们成功所需的资源和支持. It is truly inspiring.”

负责学生事务的副校长安德里亚·多沃沃(Andrea Dowhower)称赞了柴肯大学的捐赠,称其能够扩大项目范围,并将更多学生与重要资源联系起来.

“重要的是要解决导致学生成功的所有因素——不仅仅是学业成绩,还有残疾服务等因素, financial needs and health and well-being,” she said. “With this gift, Chaikens夫妇将对学生的成功产生更深远的影响,使我们不仅能够满足学术需求,而且能够在课堂之外为所有大学和校园的学生提供服务.”

In addition to the Chaiken Centers at four new University locations, 查肯夫妇的最新捐赠为整个大学的查肯中心建立了一个专业发展基金,并为吉恩和罗兹·查肯大屠杀研究基金会增加了资源, which will be renamed the Gene and Roz Chaiken Endowment for Antisemitism Education. 

For the Chaikens, giving is a way of life


“We have been together ever since,” Roz said.

They have been married for 61 years, and throughout that time, they have supported Penn State, 除了他的家庭和他的新娘,哪个对他的生活影响最大.  

The couple made their first major gift in 1998, when they joined forces with Gene’s brother, Sheldon, and his wife, Gail, to endow the Chaiken Family Chair in Jewish Studies. Since then, 他们支持了几项努力,并捐赠了吉恩和罗兹·查肯受托人奖学金, the Chaiken Family Trustee Scholarship, the Chaiken Centennial Graduate Endowment, 以及文科学院的罗兹和吉恩·查肯学生成功中心.

“Helping other people is a privilege, not a chore,” said Gene. “Those are the nine words Roz and I live by. It’s our DNA. We hope this gift inspires others to help financially or give of their time. Most of all, we hope it helps more students succeed, and we feel grateful that we are able to play a role in doing so.”

像Gene和Roz Chaiken这样的捐赠者推动了大学历史性的赠地使命,即服务和领导. Through philanthropy, alumni and friends are helping students to join the Penn State family and prepare for lifelong success; driving research, outreach and economic development that grow our shared strength and readiness for the future; and increasing the University’s impact for families, patients and communities across the commonwealth and around the world. Learn more by visiting